Square Enix E3 2017 Broadcast Schedule – FFXIV Stormblood Details PRIS!

This year, our family vacation is also occurring on the same week as E3 and Stormblood early access, so I’m going to be missing the ending of E3 and the start of early access, but should still be able to join in on the fun before official launch on the 20th. I’m actually excited now! This week is going to be insane but I’m going to do my darnest to tune in as much as I can to Square Enix presents!

We are hoping for more day to day type details regarding Stormblood, things such as ‘are you going to nerf Heavensward gear turn in seals ratio, what about poetics?, what about gatherer scrips?’ etc. etc. Basically, do we stockpile or unload this week? I’m not sure how much this is going to help me since I am leaving for vacation on Thursday morning ; ; but at least it’ll help everyone else!

As usual, here is their schedule, which was posted on the official blog, but I prefer having my own little space to keep track of all this as well as make unnecessary comments just coz I can, muahahah!

Where to Tune in?

Day 1: Tuesday June 13 at 11:45am PDT


Day 2: Wednesday June 14 at 09:45am PDT


Day 3: Thursday June 15 at 09:45am PDT




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