#FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE at #E3 2017 – Thoughts and Jibba Jabba!

Here we go! It’s not 7:18pm Eastern, in about 12 minutes the last LIVE Letter before Stormblood Early Access will commence, I’m actually hyped! Even after a full day of work /prances around happily.

As usual, I plan to talk to myself here, and figure you guys will read my nonsense after XD <3! Click “Continue Reading” below to read all about it!

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No E3 Stalking for me this year :(

Tuned in to say, hataru to all of yous who can watch or is attending E3 hataru </3 /jelly! I'll be stuck at work for 10hrs a day all day eberyday this week… so no more spazzing with everyone online about the new SE reveals and all that goodness /sniffuls…

So why am I posting this? TO MAKE SURE YOU KEEP ME UPDATED! /shake fist at Deb and Vivid

Hubby and I Finally… after all these years… Found Our Epic Love Song!

Hubby dedicated this song to me… in fact he dragged me kicking and screaming, sat me in front of the pc and MADE me watch it coz he said it’s the best thing he’s found and I know when he loads youtube it’s gonna be something ridiculous….but then the video played…. and thus our epic love song was finally found…

Lim Chang Jung’s Judgey Stare is Addictive /stareeeeeeee

Karya Pamyu Pamyu… forever my hero!

Her latest PV is just strawberry gold, end of story! /clap clap

Where in #FFXIV is Aque?!


Where have I been?!
Playing FFXIV of course! However, to be entirely honest, my play time and free time dropped drastically. Anyone who has ever been or is in a corporate environment knows well the trials of fiscal quarter end! It took about 3 weeks to get quarter end tasks completed, and then the last week for me to recuperate mentally! Now that I’ve gotten out of the habit of updating here, we’ll see how long it takes to get back into it /sniffuls, especially with the holiday season coming and I’ll be busy playing ninja across the country!

What has Aque Lia been up to in game?
LOTS, even with what little play time I had in the last few weeks, so much has been accomplished. I’ve also been collecting a lot of content and videos to publish at the same time. Still have over 3 TB of encoded videos to share lol but having a slight issue with XIV and uploading 😦 Will get into this below, perhaps one of you guys can help me figure this out! Activities in game currently include:

  • Gearing up my crafters! I’ve been taking it nice and slow and using nq > hq materials since I wanted to save all the HQ materials for guaranteed synths for Nain. So far I have completed WVR, LTW and GSM sets. CRP, ARM and BSM needs 3 more pieces to completion, then I will work on CUL and ALC. I had a tonne of fun dying the outfits too!
    Goldsmithing JSE

    Gloom Purple dyed Goldsmith JSE, only dyed certain pieces to create an accent

    Leatherworker JSE

    Bone white dye on accent pieces, left the main pieces natural color

    Weaver JSE

    Still not sure how I feel about this piece, it’s cute and all but Scin brought up a good point, feels like it needs to be Bone White/Off White some how

  • Crafting, Crafting, And More Crafting! About 3 weeks ago, before end of quarter insanity hit, I finally started crafting again. I got over my crafting phobia! The HQ sets above is what I started with. Now I’m HQing every which way and gotten lucky on some of the harder synths with NQ material, thank goodness! The crafting craze is mostly towards helping others gear, level up and my own achievement hunts as well.

    Best Crafting View

    Although I normally craft in Uldah to be close to mules, people, etc, Limsa has the best crafting view and wish I could just be there 100% of the time

  • Binding Coil of Bahamut! Isn’t that where everyone’s spending their ‘end game’ time now? I started the third DM team sometime on Tuesday 09/17/2013. By Thursday 09/19/2013 I had dragged everyone last minute for a run. We were able to get to Turn 2 very quickly within the same day, but was stalled at ADS2 for the remainder of the night. Since then the team has consistently improved both in skill, gear and team work. There is something to be said for a team running content together consistently, which is why set parties exist in almost every game.  We currently clear turn 1-4 in less than 1.5 hours, assuming afk, dinner break, connection issues (which we seem to have a lot of grrr). The next goal is to push for faster clears and will start learning Turn 5 this week. I will post videos of our derp runs soon!

    Team Titan Derps

    Team Titan is our call sign and Derping is our game

  • CM, PM, AK farming galore… does this even need a mention anymore ; ; I try not to do more than I need per week, have seen what burn out looks like, me no likey

    Scinder derping in AK

    Gratuitous shot of Scinder with the wield animation bug in AK, I basically have multiple shots of him with the derp wield animation bug in like every game….

  • Hanging out with Alpha Prime peeps! Over 10 years of gaming history together, and the tradition to bring our awesomely creative ways to die continues in FFXIV. When I’m not running with DM, crafting, advancing achievements, farming and god knows how many other myriad things I have to do in the game that I have no time for, I hang out with Foosh, Evy, Deb, Nain and other Alpha Prime derps. Recently Cala and Lokar has decided to play something other than WoW and whatever other game Cala was playing, Jojo popped up too! I hear Alpha Prime on Hyperion is doing well and playing actively as well, so it seems AP continues to infect all games with our {fun} {excitement} death. Foosh and Evy recently finished up the main story line! Welcome to the world of farming /nods
    Alpha Prime Derp Master

    The master of derping, AP’s very own Deb Monose

    Foosh... as Right Bicep

    Foosh insisted on calling his character Right Bicep… oh and a peek at AWESOME HEALING UI /sobsss miserably

Summarized like so, does not seem like a lot does it? But with limited play time, this is all I can manage for now 😦 Sooo much to dooooo so little time ; ; Which brings me to a question…

How Can I Upload to Youtube without causing Lag Issues for XIV? 
This is an interesting issue, yes there have been server side lag and latency and warping around during prime time, nothing I can do to avoid that. However, I noticed that if I torrent anything on a given day, or upload a video to youtube, when I login to FFXIV I most certainly will have weird response issues. Even while crafting.  I will input a command and sit there waiting for the server to respond. Is this an ISP throttling issue? Lately I’ve been forced to turn everything off during coil runs, which is rather sad. I also tried to stream the game and have given up on that idea indefinitely. If you know of any solution to this that does not involve moving to Texas for Google fiber, hewp!

Mmmmmm #Sunmi of the Wonder Girls is Back!

Yes, I did stay up until 12:30am my time reloading the JYPE youtube page until they released her new MV. Welcome back Sunmi! Thanks Scin for chatting with me about S. Korea, Bi, WGs, JYP, Sunmi and every thing else for over an hour last night lol

I never really paid attention to Sunmi when she was in the Wonder Girls, she was always spacing out during interviews etc. and it never felt like she was really ‘in’ that performance space. Looks like 3 years apart and performing arts college did wonders for her motivation, presence and confidence. She killed the dance and captured the feelings of the song greatly and did well within her vocal range.

This is currently my repeat list! /total JYP Fangirl ; ; Haters gonna hate!

Aque’s Plans for August 2013! Final Fantasy XIV Binge GO GO?

So… I was making my ‘gaming’ calendar which has been sadly empty since 1.0 went down… and realized that this month is almost entirely FFXIV related, HURRAY!

Some of my to-do list will include the following:

  • Squeeze in about 60 hours of work during weekdays, per usual
  • Spend copious amounts of time bugging the heck out of Hubby while he’s trying to Kerbal (really though those poor poor kerbals ; ; how dare he keep blowing them up!)
  • Finish up all fragments in FF13-2
  • Install new SSD and re-install every software for PC #2
  • ‘Test’ Phase 4 uh huh, arcanist to 20 in first hour let’s go
  • Virtually attend Gamescom, live stream Launch event and Pax Prime
  • All the while playing FFXIV mind you /nods
  • Plan for September… woot!
Aque's August

My gaming August

#FFXIV Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Crossover? /snerk

Katsu linked these to me this morning, and we’re not sure if it’s a real DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy or if someone completely awesome made them up, in which case, here’s the Internet /hands crown. My absolute favorite is the YoshiP one, look at all that BLING! me likey.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy -  PLD

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy – PLD

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy -  Cid

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy – Cid

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy -  YoshiP

This is hilarious, look at his bling!! SO CUTEEE

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy - WHM

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy – WHM

New Keyboard and Monitor, wooo!

This is for Vanh, who asked to know when I bought new toys lol

Monitor – an Asus 27″, nopes did not go for next res up coz it’s too spendy, we price matched this one at Frys to 250 bucks wootttt, so I used the extra funds I was going to dump in a monitor upgrading fans etc.

Yesterday, I went in to office all day, usually hubby brings me coffee coz he’s a sweetie muahaha, but yesterday he forgot! So when he got home, he brought this little baby home instead!

Logitech G600

Logitech G600 MMO Gaming mouse. I’ve wanted the Razer Naga for a while but due to our inability reconcile dislike of the ‘online’ requirements among other things, we’ve held off. We do love Logitech products so yay!

Back view

Back of box!


The packaging is reminiscent of the Raxer Naga… lol


Sleek and prettier! It’s smaller than my previous mouse, so will take getting used to

It Glows!

The keypad glows multicolored! I took a video of it but lighting was pretty bad and I forgot to manual control lol