#FFXIV Letter from the Producer LIVE at #E3 2017 – Thoughts and Jibba Jabba!

Here we go! It’s not 7:18pm Eastern, in about 12 minutes the last LIVE Letter before Stormblood Early Access will commence, I’m actually hyped! Even after a full day of work /prances around happily.

As usual, I plan to talk to myself here, and figure you guys will read my nonsense after XD <3! Click “Continue Reading” below to read all about it!

Continue reading

EverQuest Next World Debut on SOE Twitch Live Stream

If you have not watched the EQ Next debut videos, I recommend you do so! I watched it live and was pretty excited by what they mentioned. A lot of remains to be seen, whether they’re just hyping up a concept or will they actually deliver on the great ideas.

I have always wondered why MMOs did not try to do the following things:
– more dynamic mob AI
– user created content
– true 3D explorable worlds
– EVE style skill learning instead of ‘leveling’
– playing in an environment where the AI, players and surroundings react to each other
– unlimited ability to troll other players using the environment >.> what!

EQ Next apparently is going to try all this… so I can only hope they successfully do it because it’ll be an exciting time for MMOs

And because WordPress won’t let me embed twitch videos 😦 here are the links!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Naoki Yoshida Teases Players with End Game Content

As usual, I do not spend my time on the forums stalking YoshiP … nopes ; ; ok maybe I do! But I found the following post.  Will update once official translation is up!

UPDATE 07/24/2013 – Official Translation of YoshiP’s post below so I removed the Original JP text and Community Translation

Producer and Director Yoshida here.

Though I will be touching on this in the next Letter from the Producer, I’m happy to say that the development team is working hard towards release and are currently making the final adjustments to the latter-half of the scenario, as well as the battle content. I’m participating in these checks personally, of course, and we’re also enlisting all of the hardcore MMO players in the company to help out.

Battle with Rhitahtyn sas Arvina from the Garlean Empire
End game dungeon

This is part of the latter-half of the scenario, and it’s a battle you can use the duty finder with. Oh, and it looks like there are some pet jobs present…

Demon Wall in Amdapor Keep
Demon Wall?

This is a high-difficulty dungeon for four level 50 players after clearing the scenario.
It’s filled with things we couldn’t do in version 1.0 and you can bet it’s hard. 

Garuda Battle (Hard)
End game dungeon

This is the hard Garuda battle that was in version 1.0. We’ve made adjustments for ARR’s battle system as well as other changes. I hope all you version 1.0 players check it out!


Personally, I’m typically a mouse and keyboard kind of guy, but I’m often checking content using gamepad mode. Once adjustments have been completed, I go to the PS3 version and do a final check just to be sure.

Also, in the debug commands shown, everyone’s DPS is displayed in the log and adjustments are made based on the data we gather for how much DPS it will take to defeat an enemy in relation to the ideal DPS value. (Even I get a little excited when people start talking about checking DPS, but for the time being we don’t have any plans on adding a DPS command. Sorry about that. )

Even though we say we’re busy checking everything, we are sitting here playing and cheering and having a good time, so to all the other staff, it just looks like we’re playing around.

We’re almost ready, so hang in there!


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Gameplay – Official Info

In case you haven’t already checked it out, this was released last week. I still see a number of questions being asked regarding the very detail made on these official pages:

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Need New Codes for Phase 4?

Just a quick post to answer a a pertinent question: Do you need to apply for a new code in Phase 4?
(Made edits to clarify a few things)

Answer depends on a few things:

Are you already a beta tester and have been participating in any of the beta phases?
If the answer is Yes – No, you do not need a new code. No you do not need to re-register.
If the answer is No – continue reading

Are you a beta tester with a beta code but never registered and never participated in any of the beta phases?
Register your code now and activate it, if you do this, you will not need to apply for a new code for Phase 4.
If you did not register it before July 30th, you will need to apply for a new code for Phase 4. Read this.

Are you are reading this after July 30th, and had a beta code but never registered it?
You will need to register again once Phase 4 starts

Are you trying to get a beta code via registration?
You need to go apply now, the deadline for this batch of application is July 22nd.
Apply here.

Are you reading this after July 22nd and was not in time to apply?
Try to apply during Phase 4.

Are you not receiving any beta codes despite multiple applications?
Nothing much can be done here, if by Phase 4 you have still not received a beta code, you will need to apply again.

Last Chance~! Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta Registration Deadline Announced

If you’re sitting on a beta code since there is no beta going on, or you get a beta code between now and July 30th…. REGISTER IT NAO!! Heading into the home stretch of final testing – Beta Phase 4, Square Enix recently announced a deadline to activate your BETA codes. Might as well do it now when there are no congestion and lots of time to figure out the intricacies of the very convoluted User management system. I LOVE YOU SQUARE! /suckerfan but seriously, you make it really hard to throw money at you ; ; stop perfect dodging and fix the accounts and payment system 😡 !!

Back on topic… if you do not register your code now, you will need to REAPPLY!! for a new code in Phase 4

Also of note, they are closing the beta application so if you have not and was hoping to just randomly receive an open beta code, hurry on over there and apply! However they are also reopening it before Phase 4 so you will have another chance if you do not get a code now.

For those who have registered a beta code by Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 9:59p.m. (PDT), you will automatically be accepted to participate in Beta Test phase 4 (final Beta Test). If you have not yet registered a beta code, please make sure to complete the registration process before the above date.

For those of you who have not yet applied for the Beta Test, please submit your application by Monday, July 22, 2013 (PDT).

Application Period:
Until Monday, July 22, 2013 (PDT)
* On the above date and time, the Beta Tester Application Site will be temporarily closed and will reopen when Beta Test phase 4(final Beta Test) begins.

Registration Period:
Until Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 9:59 p.m. (PDT)
* If your beta code has not been registered by the above date and time, you will need to resubmit your application at the Beta Tester Application Site once Beta Test phase 4 begins.

Those who have yet to apply, be sure to visit the 
Beta Tester Application Site.

To register your beta code, please click here.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Crafting Adjustments

Although we performed a number of tests on crafting during Phase 3, we decided not to release any details since we were 100% certain it would be rebalanced. Today, the devs confirmed this news, quoted below.

On a personal note, I never thought they’d keep the system the way it is, I should not be able to hq from nq 100% of the time. However, I think any character with all crafts at 50 should be able to enjoy the benefits of having more abilities to choose from, over another player who does not want to have all level 50s. From the post below, and some other changes made towards difficulty, it does worry me that the game may pander too much to the casual crowd, which is fine and dandy. Just make sure to also add in content for the not so casual crowd then! It’s an age old debate of casual vs hard core, so there has to be some allowances here and there.

To cut to the chase, we’re aware of the current situation with using NQ material to create HQ items, and believe this to be an undesirable situation. There have been a lot of excellent points made already, but these are the three primary reasons:

  • The use of NQ material to create HQ items with such a high success rate undermines the value of HQ material, which also undermines the value of gathering classes.
  • Players would be able to easily create HQ items regardless of recipe difficulty.
  • Because the actions used to achieve these results are limited to certain classes, players may feel forced to level classes they have no interest in. Although we’d like to encourage players to try different crafting classes for the actions they can learn, the use of actions from other classes in this way was not intended. Therefore, these actions will have to be adjusted.

As mentioned above, we will be adjusting the crafting class actions to find a better balance between the crafting of NQ and HQ items.
As we work on these adjustments, we’d like to avoid restrictions on what actions can be borrowed from other classes. However, please keep in mind that any changes made will be done with the balance of the in game economy in mind.

After looking over everyone’s feedback, here are a few of the changes planned for crafting classes.
(Please keep in mind any adjustments are subject to change)

  1. Tricks of the Trade and Comfort Zone, which are used to recover CP, have been deemed to be too potent, and will therefore be adjusted.
  2. Adjustments are being made so that players will need to choose which situations are best to use CP recovery skills. This will not affect the probability of creating HQ items.
  3. In addition to the changes stated in 1, the use of certain actions together allowed players to craft indefinitely. To prevent this, the actions used to do so will also be adjusted.
  4. Actions that are difficult to use due to their cost will have their CP costs and effects adjusted.
  5. Actions with costs disproportionate to their effects will have their costs adjusted.
  6. Certain actions will have their CP costs adjusted in line with the changes outlined in 1-4.

As always, if you have any additional feedback regarding crafting actions, or recipe parameters such as quality and durability, we’d like to hear what you have to say!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – UI Scaling Is Coming!

UPDATE 08/16/2013 – I see a lot of hits to this page and wanted to give an updated tutorial. Happy Customizing!

FINALLY! So excited to hear this bit of news, was almost 99.99% sure they were going to do it anyways since it makes a tonne of sense, however did not want to hype it too much without official news, and here it is!

Copyright (C) 2010 – 2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved


Originally Posted by Hiroshi_Minagawa

In phase 4 we will be introducing a feature that will allow you to individually toggle the sizes of each kind of window including the HUD.
To start out the below three sizes will be possible:

  • 80% (smaller)
  • 100% (standard)
  • 120% (larger)

Below are a couple of things to note about this as well:

  • You can indicate different sizes for each window.
  • The display size is saved on a window to window basis and will be maintained even if you re-open a window.
  • The size settings will be saved even when logging in again.

Display process-wise it is possible to address this for 5% or even 300% size changes, so after launch we will be expanding the customizability range to be 50%-200% and making it possible to make even more minute changes.

*These size changes will also apply to buffs/debuffs since they are part of the HUD.
*These changes can also be made on the PS3 version.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn – Enemy Rank and Icon Adjustments

Copyright (C) 2010 – 2013 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved

Originally Posted by Hiroshi_Minagawa

Thank you for all the feedback!
Based on everything we’ve received, we will be addressing this in phase 4 as outlined below.First, as a refresher, here’s how it worked in phase 3.

  • The icon’s shape/size indicates the monster’s rank. (*I will explain this later)
  • The icon’s color indicates whether it is non-aggressive (yellow) or aggressive (red).

In phase 2, the red icon indicated a monster was aggressive; however, in phase 3 we changed this so that the icon itself displayed the monster’s passive/aggressive stance, as well as rank, and the icon’s color would indicate whether a monster was active or inactive.

Yellow Unclaimed
(EXP / credit in hunting log / quest items / loot awarded if claimed and defeated)
Red Claimed by You or Your Party
(EXP / credit in hunting log / quest items / loot awarded upon defeat)
Orange Unclaimed, yet Attacking You or Your Party
(EXP / credit in hunting log / quest items / loot awarded if claimed and defeated)
Purple Claimed by Another Party or Individual
(EXP / credit in hunting log / quest items awarded if sufficient damage contributed)

Display Name Icons

Indicates that the enemy will attack if you draw too near. Enemies without this icon are deemed ‘passive’ and will only attack if provoked.
Quest Target
Indicates that the target is one of your current quest objectives.

Aspects to be fixed in the upcoming phase 4.

Issues have arisen where it is difficult to discern icons due to the fact we incorporated the active/inactive icon into the colored icon displaying monster rank in order to reduce display lag, and we will be making two adjustments to this.Adjustments to the color display for inactive/active on rank icons:

  • Non-aggressive: bluish green
  • Aggressive: yellowish orange

Additionally, we will have marks that indicate aggressive/non-aggressive on rank icons.

  • Rank icon (for non-aggressive)
  • Rank icon (for aggressive: displays the aggressive icon)

We will be placing two images into one icon, so there is still only one icon displayed and there will be no draw lag.
*There needs to be two types for with or without the icon image, but we will be making adjustments to go along with the other aspects of the UI that are constantly displayed.

The reason for having an aggressive icon was posted on the forums in the past, so I will omit this explanation.
In phase 4, it will be possible to hide the UI and still do battle.
For those of you who want to focus more on the environment around you, I’m sure it will be fun to try and play the game in first-person only without any UI. 

Monster ranks (*)

It’s quite common that a monster’s strength is defined by level.
It’s pretty much the same in ARR; however, to go into a bit more detail about the meaning of “level,” the enemy levels in XIV that are displayed show what level enemy a player should be fighting. In other words, if an enemy is shown to be level 10, this would be a perfect opponent for a level 10 player. Based on this definition, amongst the enemies that should be fought at level 10, we’ve defined extremely strong enemies that cannot be defeated one-on-one by rank. Regular enemies, enemy leaders, notorious monsters, bosses, and such are displayed through rank.

* Since the implementation and reasoning behind levels is not related to UI, I will refrain from going into any more details on levels and ranks.

Eorzea 2013 Collection – Official HD Video